This has enabled the CHDC to continue enjoying its multi-disciplinary approach by working with its collaborators from various fields such as medicine, nutrition, economics, education, anthropology, demography, sociology, public health, computer science, bio-statistics etc. Through collaborations, CHDC has taken on big projects both within and outside the country taking roles right from planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as training. Below are some of the recent collaborations:
PREPARE – The project on Promoting sexual and reproductive health among adolescents in southern and eastern Africa-mobilising schools, parents and communities, is a collaborative research project involving University of Bergen, university of Cape Town, University of Limpopo, Makerere University, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Maastricht University, University of Oslo and University of Sussex. Funded by EU and coordinated University of Bergen, CHDC is the projects’ implementing organisation in Uganda. The objectives of the organisations are:
- To carry out a formative study among adolescents in order to develop specific intervention components.
- Design and implement more focused interventions on parent-child communication and parental support for healthy sexual behaviour.
- To revise existing scales and instruments for data collections and develop new ones in order to meet the evaluation needs of the focused efficacy studies.
- To evaluate the intervention programmes through a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches.
- The project is being implemented in government-aided day schools in the central region of Uganda, particularly Kampala and Wakiso districts and is utilizing both qualitative and quantitative research strategies. The project is project is employing well-trained staff who can be useful in facilitating any other big Randomized Clinical Trials. The project that started in February 2010 ends August 2014.